Saturday, February 02, 2013

The 2 swimmers I know admitted their doping offence...

So far, I only learnt from the news that only two swimmers admitted their drug cheat after many years: Huang Xiaomin and Xiong Guoming. Huang, from Heilongjiang province, is silver medalist of women's 200m breaststroke at 1988 Seoul Games. She failed to qualify in 1992 Barcelona Olympics when she lost to Lou Xia, from Zhejiang province in 100m breaststroke at Olympic trial. Lou represented at Olympics and later had an even greater achievement that she discovered Ye Shiwen, Olympic champion in London Games. Later she sent Ye to train under her husband, Xu Guoyi in the provincial and then national team. Back to Huang. Huang is one of the 1st batch of golden flowers, alongside Lin Li, Yang Wenyi, Zhuang Yong, Wang Xiaohong and Qian Hong. Let's look at their "now & then" pictures (top left: Zhuang Yong, Middle left: Yang Wenyi, Bottom left: Qian Hong, Top right: Wang Xiaohong and Middle right: Lin Li).

These five golden flowers also appeared in Seoul Games with Huang Xiaomin in which Yang and Zhuang medaled in sprint freestyle events while Qian won a bronze in 100m fly. They had greater success at 1992 Games when they contributed 4 golds and 5 silvers and also 2 world records. Most of them retired after 1993 National Games except Lin Li who still swam until 1996 Atlanta Olympics in which she won bronze in 200m IM. Huang also retired after 1993 National Games. She later admitted to German media she did use drugs in her swimming career and now, she is coaching in Korea. Since the rest of the golden flowers were not tested positive in their career, one can say they are clean and others will always have doubts on their splendid performances in the golden era. Nevertheless, these five flowers are all successful women in their lives now.

Huang admitted to the Western media so it should be quite well-known in the swimming world. Most of banned swimmers and athletes from athletics never admitted taking illegal substances, including Lu Bin, Wu Yanyan and Sun Yingjie. In 2005, Xiong Guoming, on the other hand, said," Yes, I did take the drug" in a local interview ( However, it did not seem to make any waves in the Chinese media, probably because he is just a banned swimmer in the past and never a Olympic or Worlds finalist. Xiong, from Shanghai, was a rising star who won multiple 1993 National Games and 1994 Asian Games titles. After Asian Games, he was tested positive and banned for 2 years. In 1997, he was back to win 400m IM in National Games by setting a new Asian record, 4:19.03, which should be within top 5 in the world in that year. In the following year, he went back to the Asian Games pool and won 200m IM. In one more year, he was on the news again that he was tested positive for clenbuterol. The interesting part is that he only admitted the 1st cheat and attributed the 2nd case to grilled pig liver, a common organ food in Chinese cuisine. He believed  the pig liver is the source of the clenbuterol which has been used widely in raising pigs in China. This is the similar reason for Ouyang Kunpeng's reason in 2008 when he claimed he ate a lot of barbaque meat before the test. CSA also thinks that it can be a serious issue and has strict rules for all their 2012 Olympic swimmers not to eat meat outside and only eat the meat imported from their reliable oversea supplier.           

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