Saturday, June 16, 2007


Take a glance in world top 20 in track and field, I can see some rebounds from Chinese athletes. 1st, men's jump events. After last year's 2.30m by Zhang Shufeng, it finally broke the spell of breaking the 2.30m mark since 1998's Zhou Zhongge's 2.30m mark. It followed by 2.32m when Huang Haiqiang won world junior. In 2007, Huang got over 2.30m after more than half year of injuries.

More surprises are from triple jump and long jump. We can see the rising power of triple jump like Li Yanxi, Gu Junjie and Zhu Shujing who had 17+ jump over last few years. This year is a breakthrough. New 17+ jumpers are introduced: Zhong Minwei and Wu Bo. Zhong jumped 17.27m in Zou Zhenxian national record (17.32m) challenge meet, best jump since 1995's 17.30m by Zeng Lizhi. He won bronze at last year's world junior at 16.29m and set pb in city games preliminary at 16.81m. Wu Bo leapt 17.03m in the same meet. This year's result is the best since 1999's 16.89m by Gu at 15 of age. So now, we have five 17m jumpers. Li: 17.15m, Gu: 17.26m and 17.11m (2007) and Zhu: 17.03m. The best years are coming and NR and AR (17.34m) should be wiped sooner and later. Zou should be happy since the NR was set in 1981, a year that all the challengers for this year's meet were not even born yet.

Rebounds in long jump is another surprises. This event has been going down over the years since 1990s and there is no leading athlete standing out in the crowd. Hunan's Zhou Can, a consistent 8m jumper over years, at his 28 and have a pb of 8.11m (twice) finally went one step up to achieve a new pb at 8.22m in recent world Champ. trial. Zhang Xiaoyi and Li Runrun both jumped 8.09m and another athlete jumped 8.04m earlier. Zhang had set Asian Junior Record at 8.17m beating the previous record, compatriot Wang Cheng's 8.16m last year. Although he was no. 1 in world junior list, he failed to materialize in world junior and only got bronze. Four 8m jumpers so far are really exciting.

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