Saturday, August 13, 2005

A better day for chinese team in World track and field championships

After the first few uninspiring days, China won the 1st medal. Of course, this time again, the medal is won by the Chinese favourite, Liu Xiang. A furious competition, 4 strong Americans, world leader, French Ladji Doucouré (12.97s). Liu might be easily kicked out of the podium if he made a small mistake. Finally, he came off pretty well and got a silver. I think Chinese might not be fully satisfied with his performance because since he won the Olympics, everyone in China has tremendously high expectation on him. There are a lot of positive and negative responses about him when I went through the comments on Sina web. It is a bit scary this Shanghai hurdler can boil up the issues like the hostility between Shanghai and Beijing. Anyway, there are still quite a lot supportive comments that appreciate his fine performance.

To me, people in China is way too concerned about him. First, he is the Number 1 Chinese male in track and field who won one of the Western-dominated event in the Olympics. Furthermore, he is doing something other Chinese athletes are not doing: Competing in Grand Prix like other international elite athletes. Also, He has a young, positive and healthy image. The combination of all these makes him become an idol other than an elite athlete in China. This can be proved in domestic competitions. Stadium is crowded only when Liu's show is on. From this, they are only concerned about the appearance of Liu, not the competition itself. Obviously, the overwhelming concern disrupts his training. Is it possible to look at him as a human being like anyone else who is trying his best in what he is doing? To me, even if he couldn't make to the final, it would be great to see him run a quality time. Everyone has ups and downs, no one can always stand at the top.

Three fifth placers yesterday

First is Gao Shuying. I am so glad to see Gao Shuying make a great comeback after some disappointing years. Based on the personal bests of all finalists, she is the second last and she managed to be one of five jumper who hurled over 4.50m which is just 2 cm short of her Asian Record. This result is remarkable provided that the weather condition is not perfect. Athen Olympics men's pole valut champion, Tim Mack made a compliment of her: I was impressed with the Chinese girl, Gao Shuying. She looked like she jumped just what she needed to jump to get here... I am also impressed about her courageous answer Gao was asked how she looked at Isinbeyeva: My goal is always on her. I think it is not easy to come up with this answer. You should know Isinbeyeva's first jump was 4.50m (which was successful on her 1st attempt) and ended at 5.01m. She seems like coming from another world that no one can even get close. The winning margin is 41 cm this time. Nevertheless, time will prove if Gao is bluffing.

Zhao Chengliang was placed fifth in the 50km walk which to me is a touturing event. I followed closely the split time at every 5km. Zhao was ranked 3rd in the world behind another 2 compatriots who couldn't finish the race. At 40km, he still ranked 3rd behind 2 Russians. I really hope he can win a medal since no Chinese male walker ever won a single medal in either the Olympics and World Championships. But it was not auspicious that I could see one norweigen and one Italian walker were closing the gap. Finally, both of them overtook Zhao and set national records for their countries. It is still the best results among all Chinese walkers this time and he also did a pretty good time.

Zhang Wenxiu also finished fifth in Woman hammer throw. She set the Asian record this year (73.24m) but she was not quite up to her standard. She had no throw over 70m. I was also diasppointed for Song Aimin in Discus who could not make the top 8. I thought she had a pretty good chance to make top 5, even get a medal because she did pretty well in the heats. On the other hand, Ma Shuli performed well and finished 6th. Her best throw was about 1 metre short of her personal best. I always think among all throwing events, China has the most solid woman discus throwers. In the recent years, there are at least 3 to 4 throwers every year who can throw over 60m. However, none of them manages to get up to the elite level.

Today, 2 events catch my eyes: women 5000m and 400m hurdle. Xing Huina and Sun Yingjie are racing in the 5k. Again they will be having a clash with a gang of Ethopians and Europeans. In 400m hurdle, Huang Xiaoxiao from Shandong is running 400m H. I don't want to predict if she will win a medal but I would be pleased to see her break the Asian Record (53.96s) which were set in 1993 and tied in 2001, both in disgusting Chinese National Games. I think the record is within her touch.

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